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On the road again

Observations from 2022 tradeshows around the world

Farming is a community and we are often made stronger through our experiences spent together. That’s why it was so exciting to return to live events in 2022! Throughout the year, the Trimble team came together with our dealers, customers and others involved in agriculture at tradeshow events around the globe - getting the opportunity to connect and learn from each other face-to-face.

From Australia, Brazil and France to Italy, the United States and beyond - we are so thankful for those of you who were able to stop by our booth for a chat. If you weren’t able to make it, we look forward to seeing you soon!

In the meantime, here are some of the questions farmers asked when they stopped by, along with a few of the solutions they got to experience: 

What’s going to help me to save time and money on my farm today?

We know that uncertainty is a topic on many farmers’ minds, which means a lot of tradeshow visitors in 2022 were looking for ways to address their ongoing challenges.

A new tool farmers can use to help answer some of these questions is Trimble Virtual Farm. Those visiting our booth got to take a tour of Virtual Farm and learn how precision technology aids in on-farm problem-solving - including how to manage varying employee skillsets, data connectivity and water management. (Couldn’t make it to a show this year? Don’t worry! Trimble Virtual Farm is available to anyone, anywhere.)


Many farmers were also concerned about inputs and how to work through unpredictability in both pricing and supply for things like seed, fertiliser and crop protection products. That opened up a number of great conversations about things like spot spray technology, which can reduce herbicide usage by up to 90% and options from some of our Trimble Select partners that make planting and application more efficient.

What’s on the horizon for precision agriculture? 

Another big topic of discussion among farmers who attended tradeshows this year was the future - what’s new in agricultural technology?

It’s becoming clearer every day that connectivity will be key to the future of precision ag, so it was exciting to share new products that continue to make it easier for farmers to leverage tools like Precision-IQ and AutoSync to share data across their operation. We also had conversations about using software, apps and API connections to bring together the volume of information collected on many farms today. 

And, speaking of the future, those who visited the Australian Cotton Conference got a special treat - seeing Spot, the agile, robotic dog developed by Boston Dynamics and powered by Trimble solutions. While Spot is primarily used in the construction industry today, we were able to talk with farmers about how this unique technology gives us the opportunity to learn more about autonomous data collection, environmental monitoring and positioning - innovations that will be key to expanding autonomy in agriculture in the future.

The journey continues

While our 2022 road trip has come to an end, a new adventure in 2023 is just beginning. The Trimble team is getting ready to head to the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Kentucky, on 15-18 February - so if you’re in North America and visiting the show, we hope you’ll stop by.

And for those of you farming in other parts of the world, make sure to talk to your local Trimble dealer for a list of upcoming events. We plan to be at Agrishow in Latin America and Agritechnica in Europe, along with a number of other regional events, throughout the year. We would love to catch up!