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An earthworks contractor lays tiling for a subsurface drainage project.

Subsurface drainage

Trimble’s lineup of subsurface drainage solutions helps move water on your farm more effectively and efficiently, so you can maximize crop performance.

A farmer lays drainage tile using Trimble's water management solutions.

Improve crop yields

Protect root zones for better nutrient absorption

Lower plant stress, compaction and erosion

Build your customized approach to precision

Combine Trimble products and features to design a unique subsurface drainage solution that fits the needs of your equipment mix and operator experience.

Aplicativo WM-Survey II
Manejo de Água

Aplicativo WM-Survey II

Além de criar levantamentos básicos de campo para uso em diversas aplicações, o aplicativo WM-Survey II se torna ainda mais poderoso ao adicionar nosso conjunto avançado de recursos para projetos de terraços, curvas de níveis e taipas de arroz.
Solução WM-Drain®
Manejo de Água

Solução WM-Drain®

A solução WM-Drain® faz parte de um conjunto de ferramentas que otimiza os passos de levantamento, análise, projeto, instalação e mapeamento de drenagem superficial e subsuperficial.

TMX-2050 display system

TMX-2050 display system

O monitor TMX-2050 possui opções de aplicativos FmX® Plus ou Precision-IQ, ideal para diversas operações agrícolas, especialmente gerenciamento de água.
Software de Projeto WM-Subsurface
Manejo de Água

Software de Projeto WM-Subsurface

A solução WM-Drain® da Trimble, em conjunto com o software de projeto WM-Subsurface, otimiza as etapas de levantamento, análise, projeto, instalação e verificação de drenagem, abrangendo tanto aspectos superficiais quanto subsuperficiais.

Subsurface Drainage

Take a comprehensive approach to drainage

When you want to make the most of every field, Trimble is up to the challenge.

Soils that are well-drained provide a wide range of benefits for your farm. From start to finish, Trimble's subsurface drainage solutions help you take a more comprehensive approach to your next project, so you can save time and money.

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Easily collect and import 3D field data with Trimble’s WM-Survey II™ app, WM-Topo™ survey system or your TMX-2050™ display system.

  • Use the TMX-2050 display system to record boundaries, section line alignments and interior data of the field.
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Analyze the 3D field data using WM-Subsurface™ design software to make better informed drainage decisions and plans.

  • View data from any angle and exaggerate the vertical to visualize the shape and slopes of the field
  • Determine the various watershed zones of the field to assist with main, sub-main and lateral pipe placement
  • Configure contours at any interval to display the topography and relative elevations
  • Enable flow arrows and tributary lines to assist with tracing the natural surface water flows
  • View the field analysis over the top of aerial images to review your data in another context
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Design and verify a complete 3D drainage system using WM-Subsurface design software, or design drainage lines on-the-go without having to leave your vehicle.

  • Use WM-Subsurface drawing tools to tie laterals to mains, create parallel lateral spacings and clip drainage lines
  • In WM-Subsurface design software or on your TMX-2050 display system, allow Autoslope to produce optimal depth designs for a more consistent water table (which helps to minimize nutrient loss)
  • Verify that the pipe network will successfully drain to the main outlet before beginning the installation
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Take your drainage designs back to the field and utilize the WM-Drain® solution’s module on your TMX-2050 display system alongside Trimble’s 3D machine control technology for precise installation of your pipe or surface ditches.

  • Control depth automatically, ensuring pipe and ditches are installed to the design
  • Control the boot pitch automatically on parallel link plows, providing complete control of the machine and ensuring the best accuracy possible
  • Switch to Point and Slope mode for manual slope control and installation or when using pitch-only control during RTK dropouts to ensure completion of drainage runs even in adverse satellite conditions
  • Use GNSS RTK combined with T3™ Enhanced Terrain Compensation Technology for roll-corrected 3D positioning
  • Recalculate design on-the-go when the plow hits unexpected underground obstacles
  • Map the as-applied drainage lines while installing to keep as a record for aiding with invoicing and locating installed pipes in the future
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Map the true location of your installed drainage pipes or ditches and utilize the records for future maintenance or drainage expansion projects.

  • Automatically log 3D drain maps synchronously while the drainage machine is being controlled by the WM-Drain solution
  • Transfer the mapped data using Trimble Ag Software to WM-Subsurface design software, where it will be stored as an independent layer

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Sobre a AGCO

A AGCO (NYSE: AGCO) é líder mundial em concepção, fabricação e distribuição de maquinário agrícola e tecnologia agrícola de precisão. A AGCO agrega valor aos agricultores e aos clientes OEM por meio de seu portfólio de marcas diferenciadas, incluindo suas marcas principais Fendt®, GSI®, Massey Ferguson®, PTx e Valtra®. A linha completa de equipamentos, as soluções de agricultura inteligente e os serviços da AGCO ajudam os produtores rurais a alimentar o nosso mundo de forma sustentável. Fundada em 1990 e sediada em Duluth, Geórgia, EUA, a AGCO registrou um faturamento líquido de cerca de 14,4 bilhões de dólares em 2023. Para mais informações, acesse Para acompanhar as notícias com informações e eventos da empresa, siga-nos no X: @AGCOCorp. Para acompanhar as notícias financeiras no X, siga a hashtag #AGCOIR.

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